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Quarantine Hobbies

As lock downs are lifting, I wanted to stop and reflect on some new hobbies I’ve been keeping busy with. The activities are...

Series on Camp Security/Camp Safety

My deep sleep was abruptly interrupted by an anxious whisper...when I started to regain consciousness, I heard my wife softly repeating,...

Ham Radio - APRS for Overland Use

Ham Radio has many uses for the off road, and overland communities. Here we go into one of our most commonly used modes: APRS Automatic Pack

One way to save time on your camp setup

Hello everyone! Lately, we have had a great many inquiries about the unusual looking tent that I have been running on #Mamba. It is one...

When Nature Calls....And We Don't Listen

Traveling with a pet, can be very rewarding, but it's not without it's challenges.

What Inspires You?

Windows slightly cracked, a warm breeze sweeping through your hair while the hum of heavy tires press firmly across the pavement. Your...

Cooking with Cast Iron When Camping

We dive into the fun world of camp cooking with an informative look at cast iron cook ware.

Is a snorkel for you?

What are the benefits of a snorkel for your overloading or off road vehicle? We've equipped our Toyota Tacoma, and 4runners and explain

Ham Radio

With a few hours studying, practicing using a free downloadable app from the Google Play store, Apple  store, or online, and $15,  you too c

A New Look For Team RCO

There are very few things in the world of aftermarket accessories that can affect the look of your vehicle the way that a set of wheels can.

Featuring the ReadyLight by Free Spirit Recreation

The ReadyLight is a multi-purpose solar powered lighting solution that has changed the way we camp while exploring in the backcountry.

Ham Radio Part 2

To begin with, lets focus on the most frequently used segments of the electromagnetic spectrum. UHF, VHF, and HF.UHF is Ultra High Frequency

New Partnership with KC Hilites!

Rock Creek Overland will be building out our auxiliary lighting systems with components from our new industry partners at KC Hilites. ...

New Partnership for 2017!

We are extremely humbled to be working with some of the finest fabricators in the offroad and overland industry, and we now use all of their

T-Shirts available!

October is breast cancer awareness month and we would like to show our support. A portion of proceeds from our "pink" t-shirts sales will...

Rock Creek Overland adds a new Team Member!

We are honored to announce our recent addition to team Rock Creek Overland! James Phillips (@sfjphil) has come onboard as our final...

GZila Designs partners with Rock Creek Overland

We are excited to announce our partnership with GZila Designs! Two of our founding principles are support for local vendors and...

inspired by the journey

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