Hello everyone! Lately, we have had a great many inquiries about the unusual looking tent that I have been running on #Mamba. It is one of the most unique offerings from our friends at Freespirit Recreation in my opinion, and I grown very fond of it!
From the first time that I deployed the Adventure Series Hardshell Automatic, I knew that I had probably found the last tent that I will need for some time. It solved a lot of issues I had with setting up the more conventional style RTT.....like laziness. I mean, conventional style manual tents are not very involved to setup up, but they are, you know, manual. There is the whole issue of wrestling with a bug-gut covered travel cover, and a zipper that usually fails to cooperate. There is the issue of trying to get all the tent material tucked in properly when folding up.....And when it is cold outside, that thick fabric does not like to play nice...... But not with the Adventure Series Automatic!
As you can see in the video, there are only a few securing straps to release, then push a button! The whole process takes about 60 seconds.
The linear motors on the tent mechanism are powered by a lithium ion pack that is stored in one of the tent pockets, and is constantly charged by a small solar cell that is mounted on the hard shell. There is also a backup cable with cigarette plug in case the battery ever fails. I put in some serious effort at Expo trying to discharge the Lithium pack, cycling the tent up and down several hundred times over the course of the weekend, to no avail!
Hope you enjoy the video, and if you don't mind, give it a thumbs up if you like it, and give us a follow if you would like to see more of this type of content.
Happy Camping!